The Joy of the Lord - Our Happy Strength |
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen
Mandag, 26. august 2019 15:24 |
Tune: Praise the Savior ye who know Him...
(Please note that the music to this song is attached too)
Do rejoice ye weak and weary, you in Christ may still be cheery, let on you His smile, ye deary, be your happy strength!
For His grace is overruling even when you feel you´re fooling, in His presence let down cooling His refreshing word!
There His gentle voice you´re hearing, there His light will be up clearing, thus your life He will be steering working things for good!
I in shame my face is hiding, yet with Jesus I´m siding, for as Shepherd He is guiding through this vale of tears!
His redeemed on Him is waiting, while His church His foes are hating, with the world we´re not debating, challenged Christ can´t be!
August 26, 2019 - jn