The Old, Old Story Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 08. oktober 2011 13:09

Tune: Praise the Lord ye saints forever….

Blessed gospel, full of power,
meets the need of every hour,
and its saving word like shower
falls on thirsty ground!

Yet the worldling´s eyes are blinded,
for its sweetness he´s not minded,
but convicted sinners find it
full of grace and truth!

Sing the praise of our Redeemer,
soon the words of each blasphemer
and the folly of the dreamer
will forever cease!

In the air the Lord is coming,
on that hope we´re boldly drumming,
so with joy we´re therefore humming
with that day of Christ!

In that gospel, brother, glory,
tell and spell the old, old story,
by the youth and by the hoary
let its sound be heard!

Oct. 8, 2011 – jn