Saved and Kept Alive by Grace Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 06. september 2011 11:56

Tune:  Bless God from whom all blessings flow…

Are you in Christ, rejoice my friend,
this day take time with Him to spend,
the Spirit opens up His word,
with gospel truth your loins up gird!

From condemnation you are free,
the law of freedom is the key
wrought by the gospel´s pow´r of grace
that radiant makes a gloomy face! *)

Your secret is the Throne of grace,
there isn´t any other place
where fully you´ll be understood,
be strengthened by that truth you should!

A channel you are meant to be,
His love will flow through you and me,
and as you boldly move around,
O, tell the world what you have found!

Don´t let your faults make you despair,
but take it all to God in prayer,
for failing are His tools of clay
that makes you truly humble stay!

So to His grace your soul betake,
the gospel, mind you, is at stake,
your Savior to the world uplift
and His salvation as God´s gift!

Sept. 6, 2011

*) Psa. 34:5