Risen in Triumph! Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 22. april 2011 19:19



Tune:  God moves in a mysterious way….


He rose in triumph, hear it all,

His finished work was done!

And down He broke the middle wall, *)

The pow´r of death had gone!


He rose in triumph, so did I,

already I am there,

I share His throne in Heav´n up high,  **)

so me the death can´t scare!


That I´m with Jesus glorified

should never be forgot!

In Him God sees a ransomed bride

without a single spot!


Though stumbling in so many things

with sorrow and regret,

like eagles I mount up my wings,  ***)

that grace from Him I get!


The empty tomb and not the cross

the sign of triumph is,

it all was gain what seemed like loss,

the glory now is His!


So let this Easter joy be yours,

soak in what He has done!

Proclaim the saving grace that cures

In Christ the only One!



*)  see Eph. 2:14


**) see  Eph. 2:6


                                                     ***) see Isa. 40:31



April 22, 2011




April 22, 2011


*)  see Eph. 2:14


**) see  Eph. 2:6


                                                     ***) see Isa. 40:31