Christ Prevailing Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 18. maj 2010 12:01

Tune:  Bless God from whom all blessings flow….

(Danish tune:  Gør døren høj, gør porten vid…)

Rejoice, for Christ is on the Throne,
His ear is bent to our groan,
His rule is far above each name,
His kingship therefore we proclaim!

Ev´n in this body made of clay,
His glory doesn´t fade away,
Through weakness is His pow´r revealed
As to the strength of Christ we yield!

With eagles´ wings He lifts us up,
With blessings overflows our cup,
Our joy is built on gospel ground,
O, let the earth yet hear its sound!

The enemy the saints assails,
But Jesus on the Throne prevails,
His blessed cross is our plea
For sinners´ rescue full and free!

Behold, He´s coming with the clouds,
And with Him are the singing crowds,
Now ransomed in the crimson flood,
Which is the Savior´s precious blood!

May 16, 2010
