A Wake-Up Call – Or What Do You Think? Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 20. juni 2020 10:52

Facing these days and probably in days to come the fearful pandemic (Corona) where death is something you just can´t hush up, as our attention is called for in no uncertain terms.  Our TV screens are taken up with its cold presence day and night and have much to say, but nothing to say that really matters to the human, immortal soul.

They would say, this is religious and something for the church and should not be proclaimed from the housetops.  This is the neutral attitude in DK, and if anybody in our parliament dares speakup a word from the New Testament, there will immediately be raised an objection by the chairman who orders the testament removed.  Oh, shame on Denmark!

It´s time for the followers of Jesus to speak up however.  I was encouraged when in a newspaper interview the likeable American ambassador to Denmark, Clara Sands, let nobody be in doubt about her own spiritual standpoint at this juncture.

She boldly declare, “It´s in my relationship to God I find the greatest strength in this crisis.  I pray for wisdom and guidance every day, and I also read my Bible daily, where I find timeless (i.e. eternal) truths that function well at this unique situation.”  This is the way we as Christians should speak also.  In other words, we need to listen to eternal truths from the word of God (the Bible) that transcend worldly thinking and short-sightedness. A word of awakening is needed to the human soul.

I´m thinking of the word of Jesus so relevant to my people that need to know that we are more than just simple chemistry or a piece of protoplasm.  He says, “Do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.”  The corona may kill the body, but it can´t kill the soul.  That´s what the rich man found out too late after he died.  (Luke 16:23).

Don´t belittle the hereafter, my friend, maybe this is what the corona disease should remind us of.  The angel of death comes to all of us uninvited, but let us, as it were, be angels of the gospel to immoral sous.

April 29, 2020 - jn