Despite our Highs and Lows Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 13. oktober 2017 14:31

Tune:  Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me..

Always He remains the same,
even when I´m weak and lame,
in the morning I may sigh
as my soul feels sad and dry,
then His Spirit points to me
Christ who wants my strength to be!

He repeats what I do know,
whether I am high or low,
much more power has His word,
this I have so often heard,
"Take me at my word anew
as this morning´s early dew!"

Count yourself in Christ alive,
soon He will your soul revive,
you may in yourself feel lost,
you still share the Pentecost
where the Spirit glorifies
Christ despite your lows and highs!

So decide at once for all,
be it morning or nightfall,
do not build on what you feel,
but to Christ by faith appeal,
come what may oh Christian frail,
Jesus Christ will never fail!

October 13, 2017 - jn