God´s Universe and the Gospel Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 08. december 2016 08:41

Sung on the tune of:  "See the golden sun of the ocean rise.."
(Danish:  Se, nu stiger solen af havets skød...)

For its music click on:  http//dendanskesalmebogonline.dk/salme/290/

See the moon and stars in the nightly room
as you in on God´s universe may zoom,
see that God is great, while we little say
as we to His majesty homage pay!

Stupid men attempt wonders to explain,
but without their Maker it´s all in vain,
on His Throne God must at their folly laugh,
for their godless thoughts are like worthless chaff!

See His big creation so wisely made,
but if you His plan in conceit downgrade,
for your sinful pride you will have to pay
at His Throne of glory on judgment day!

Man´s rebellion will never ever cease,
only at the cross there is saving peace,
for God´s love in public was there displayed
as the sin of mankind on Christ was laid!

Join me ´neath  the stars in the nightly room,
see in Christ God´s Light for this world of gloom,
in this Christmas season our charter is
this good news of which all the pow´r is His!

Dec. 12, 2016 - jn