In the Wilderness Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 24. september 2016 08:06

Tune: Have Thine own way, Lord...

A humble wilderness is my lot,
that´s all my life so often has got,
as follower of that wounded Lamb
abashed I at His mercy still am!

My words have only Heaven´s true force,
if my life´s walk has that thorny course
that imitates my Savior´s low life
without vain quarrels and bitter strife!

Teach in the desert me to be still
learning anew to do Thy good will,
better to be it is than to do,
for this is where you´ll find Heaven´s dew!

Moulded was John the baptizer there,
lonely he modest raiment did wear,
God later asked him to boldly preach,
he thus equipped poor sinners did reach!

Don´t shun the wilderness in your life
nor the vinedresser´s pruning fruit knife,  (John 15:2)
lo, living waters from you will spring
as you the gospel to others bring!

Sept. 24, 2016 -