The Corn of Wheat (John. 12:24) Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 03. juni 2015 06:44

Tune:  Amazing Grace

Dear troubled soul, oh do not fret
about a trusted friend,
whose faithlessness you can´t forget,
its wounds you cannot mend!

A godly woman said to me
once many years ago,
“A doormat you are called to be
that Him you forth may show!

So to your good grief say goodbye,
the battle is not yours,
we die, indeed, that you and I
may have Heav´n´s  fresh downpoors!

We´re called to be that “corn of wheat”
that falls into the soil,
the trampling by the doormat´s feet
calls forth the Spirit´s oil!

Thus Christ we follow in His death
just like that corn of wheat
that with His resurrection breath
lost sinners we may meet!

June 2, 2015 - jn