Standing on the Rock Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 27. marts 2015 07:43

(Please read Ps. 69:1-2)

I deep within a “mire” know
in which I see no hope,
on me its floods do overflow
with which I cannot cope!

Here is no “standing”, no foothold,
despite my cries I sink,
in vain I try myself to mould,
nay, gloomy thoughts I think!

But suddenly it flashed on me,
my “standing” is in Him,
whom as my glory now I see
beyond the mire grim!

The hopelessness in our flesh,
God sometimes let us feel,
so that He may our souls refresh
with Gospel words that heal!

In Christ and in His finished work,
the solid Rock I see,
in me I see the darkest murk,
in Him I am set free!

March 27, 2015 - jn