Not Religion, but… Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 14. april 2014 04:42

Why am I in religion lost
with all its empty forms
devoid of that true Pentecost
that gospel preaching warms?

Indeed,  I loathe just empty words
that don´t convey “new wine”,
I sometimes feel the singing birds
have much more life divine!

I´m charmed by smiles and sparkling eyes,
I´m to their beauty drawn,
and yet I´m asking full of sighs,
have they anew been born?

What does avail a stagey show
that has no gospel pow´r
since living waters do not flow
as Heaven´s rainy show´r!

That´s why religion will not do,
for only Jesus will!
Lo, He´s the living Savior who
the empty hearts can fill!

April 14, 2014 - jn