To You Walking in Darkness Having no Light (Isa. 50:10) Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 09. februar 2014 07:01

Wait on the Lord, don´t ask how long,
it may be hard, but still
His presence is what makes you strong,
submit then to His will.

He will in due time see you through,
the darkness runs its course,
His light will shine upon you too
with Jesus as its source!

For in the dark you won´t remain,
that´s what the Lord has said  (Joh. 12:46)
you never wait on Him in vain,
He sees your tears just shed!

Christ in the darkness is as good
as when the spring sun shines,
and so press on we boldly should,
thus He our faith refines!

Fresh courage take and now dare say,
I´ll wait no matter what,
for bright will dawn in Christ a day,
desert you He will  not!

February 9, 2014 – jn