Christmas Song of Praise Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 11. december 2013 03:41


Tune:  O, Come all ye faithful…

Come Christians, come gladly
boldly and not sadly,
come children and adults to Jesus the King,
Come, offer your poem,
bring along your praise-hymn,
with joy, o let us let us praise Him,
with joy, o let us praise Him,
with joy, o let us praise Him,
Jesus our Lord!

Ye angels we love you,
yet you pure ones can´t do
the singing of praise for His sin-cleansing blood,
the sinner Him worships
both with heart and our lips,
o, let our hearts adore Him,
o, let our hearts adore Him,
o, let our hearts adore Him,
Jesus, God´s Son!

Through Christ Jesus risen,
freed from sin´s dark prison
freeborn as Thy children we now do rejoice,
Thy birth makes us praise Thee,
all our glory is He,
and thus we praise the Father,
the triune Godhead rather,
with Jesus and His Spirit,
God, three in One!
Dec. 8, 2013 – jn