Don´t Fret! Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 06. december 2013 08:09

”At my first defense no one stood with me, but all forsook
 me.  May it not be charged against them.” 2 Tim. 4:16

They Paul, the prisoner, forsook,
that man they loved so much,
in court nobody, though, partook,
with pain it did him touch!

And yet no bitterness was there,
he knew their weakness well,
His prayer that God with them would bear
he uttered in his cell!

That trial without any friend
just drew him to the Lord,
who from His Throne would Paul defend
and be his true reward!

Are you and I forsaken too?
O, let us learn from Paul,
for those of whose letdown we knew,
His Name in love we´ll call!

No matter what may happen then,
no one may you defend,
don´t fret because of feeble men,
think of your happy end!

Dec. 6, 2013, jn