What Happened? Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 07. september 2013 14:25

”…in the feast day many believed in His name when they saw the miracles He did.”  (John 2:23)

“Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus….”
  (John 3:1)


What happened in Jerusalem
when crowds confessions made?
Did our Lord confide in them
amidst that big crusade?

The modern church would gladly say,
“Yes, Jesus had success
with just a great revival day
that God did richly bless!”

And yet it was a fleshly show,
the hearts He did not touch,
no streams of life did ever flow,
but there of stir was much!

And yet a man God singled out,
he came to Christ one night,
he had no rest and was in doubt
if his beliefs were right!

Yes, Nicodemus Christ could save,
for He´s the only One
that God to us as Savior gave,
-    that night a soul was won!
Sept. 7, 2013 – jn