Why He Did it Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 26. februar 2013 04:57

Theology so simple is,
four words:  He died for me!
The finished work alone is His
that hour at Calvary!

But since His love then is so great,
why all that enmity?
Why does the world our Savior hate,
the One whose truth sets free?

It is because we cannot see,
our eyes our sin made blind,
I too despised that Calvary´s tree
with a rebellious mind.

He called me when one night I heard
the gospel boldly preached,
the Spirit used its living word
that me as young man reached!

Today I know why He did so
of that I am aware,
He wanted me to others go
His love and grace to share!

Febr. 26, 2013 – jn