Visiting the Sick Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 17. januar 2013 12:36

“The Lord has given me the tongue of a disciple…to speak a word in season to him who is weary.” Isa. 50:4.

O, read it again, she just whispered to me,
of cancer her body was weak,
but God´s Holy Spirit me gave liberty
a word from the Bible to speak!

We read what it said about life after death
for those who in Jesus believe,
she smiled as she drew a redeemed, happy breath,
the gospel word did her relieve!

We prayed and we worshipped before Heaven´s Throne,
well knowing we´ll soon be up there,
though often we pray with an unspoken groan,
we´ll garments of praises soon wear!  (Isa. 61:3)

No miracle happened at that couch at all,
but God´s unseen presence was there,
and as on His name as His children we call
His mercy and love fill the air!

O, Lord give me morning by morning that tongue (Isa. 50:4)
that ministers grace to the poor
with words of fresh water as well as a song,
that meant the afflicted to cure!
Jan. 17, 2012 – jn