God´s Banner of Love Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 13. november 2011 03:04

“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love!”  (S. of S. 2:4)

The Shepherd gives your soul relief
and hope in time of need,
when you feel sadness and the grief
that makes your heart just bleed!

No matter what you´re going through,
the banner of His love
will day by day envelop you
with blessings from above!

Some doors deadlocked you can´t go through,
but others open are,
amidst the clouds that trouble you
breaks through His morning star!

God´s providence is thus a gift,
in Christ it does make sense,
with Him your boat is not adrift
despite the storm intense!

Your pivot is God´s Calvary,
your ground for lasting peace,
for there as slave He set you free,
His blood was your release!

Nov. 12, 2011
