I Never Forget Eva Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 02. september 2011 13:16

There´s a woman, a dear sister in Christ, I remember with joy.  Eva (Eve) was her name.  She went home to be with the Lord a couple of months ago.  In her company there was always a lot of “redeemed” laughter and uplifting fun, and she always emphasized two things, i.e. the coming of the Lord and our triumphant position in Christ. -  Eph. 2:6 was an often quoted key word.  “Alas, so few talk about that”, she often said.

She was also, despite her mature age, the radio hostess in Christian programs at a powerful radio station north of Copenhagen.  “Your radio voice is like a young girl´s”, I said to her. 

I had the privilege of preaching the gospel in many of those programs, and I can still see her sitting there opposite me in the studio, my only visible audience, smiling and rejoicing and backing me up with her quiet, heartfelt “Amen”.  How I miss her, and how I look forward to meet her and many other saints again up there.  She left her frail body to be with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8) in His immediate presence.

She was a widow, had been through a lot of private trials, but she never grumbled.  The joy in the Lord and her testifying of our being raised up together with Christ and seated with Him and in Him in the heavenly places (Eph. 2:6) were repeated smilingly again and again, and her “motherly” encouragements to me personally were warm and many.

I thought of her today as the air these days is full of politics, election pledges, financial recommendations (for putting an end to our big deficit), TV performances, mudslinging, deceitful hopes, fancy schemes to make the world better, and many, many empty words.  My friend´s world was in Christ and His interests.  She could remind me of William Kelly, one of the highly educated leaders within the “Brethren Movement” in the 19th century.  “You could be a big man in the world”, it was said to him.  His answer was, “What world?”

Oh, may we one day be remembered as I now remember my smiling radio hostess, Eve.  She was not anticipating her death but rather the meeting with the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:13-18), -  however it pleased the Lord to let her go through death and grave at the age of 82, being thus conformed to her Lord in that way also, Phil. 3:10-11.  Praise the Lord for such lives and their examples to us who are soon going to leave this scene too.

Sept. 2, 2011, jn