Saturated by the Word of God Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 07. oktober 2009 17:51

I remember with gratitude one of my fellow students in our ”boot camp” with New Tribes Mission in Pa. who often reminded us of the blessing of being saturated  with God´s word.  That was the kind of guy he was (he´s now with the Lord), and it was always a joy to communicate with him about the Bible.

It´s  a little worrying if the word of God becomes  just another “text book” or a “manual” for sophisticated, well cooked sermons to be “fired” at various solemn occasions to the point of almost professional routine.  It´s  quite a different thing when it comes to your soul as living water on dry ground.  “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”  (Mt. 4:4).  Notice, it says “proceeds” – not “proceeded”.  The Greek suggests a continuous action or experience, not something that just happened  in the past.  The word of God is meant to be something that “happens” continuously!

At the hospital 5 years ago (after a heart attack) I learned a new word.  It was the word “saturation”.  The nurses checked constantly the “saturation” in my blood, i.e. its amount of oxygen.  One morning I had my Bible opened on Psa. 103.  I said to the nurse, “Please read to me v.5.!”  And so she did, smilingly. “I can tell how your “saturation” now goes up!”    In a spiritual sense it does, too.  The word of God is full of fresh oxygen!

“Your words were found and I ate them, and your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart!” (Jer.15:16)
