"It´s not the Way that is Hard…" Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 09. april 2011 09:27


I just listened in the radio to a psychiatric patient who told about his personal process of recovery.  I listened the more intensely as he mentioned how the thoughts of our great thinker (a friend of mine!),  Søren Kierkegaard, had helped him, and he quoted from him this gem, "It is not the way that is hard, but it´s the hardship that is the way!"

I heard him say that in the early radio this very morning.  And I hasten to pass it on to you.  I thought, "What a thought to start my day with!  And how biblical too!  "We rejoice in hope of the glory of God, and not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance…" (Rom. 5:2-3) – and so forth.  Maybe it was that very truth from God´s word that made Kierkegaard say, "It´s the hardship that is the way!"

In a few moments I´ll make my daily walking round out in the open.  We´re not spoiled with "the glory" of California right now.  An "unkind" wind is blowing, so my walk will be "hardship" or rather an object lesson of hardship.  For it has certainly pleased the Lord to let me have a little of that kind.  Praise the Lord for the testimony of that psychiatric patient before daybreak!

A friend of mine invited me yesterday for a cup of cappuchino in his beautiful bank downtown.  He wanted me to tell him about America, which I did.  In America you have the smartest preachers, the very best bible expositors, the most streamlined churches, the Americans being the most church conscious people ever, and yet I´m not sure we want that "smartness" imported to our country, not matter how pro-America I am.

What do I mean?  What we need is the testimony of Christian people who know what it is to "glory in tribulations", in other words, people who know what it is to live Jesus Christ,-  not only by being smart enough to expound truths about Him or reveal all the secrets of theology.  The epistle of Paul to the Philippians is very close to my heart and life.  It´s not so much an epistle of theological statements.  It´s a testimony of joy in hardships.  It´s not  an epistle of head knowledge as it is a testimony of life!  "For to me to live is Christ!"  (Phil. 1:21).

In the windy hardships of our lives. For these are the way, beloved friends!

For the good breeding of our character.

In and through Jesus Christ!

April 8, 2011
