What Made Him Come? Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 02. april 2011 05:36


"I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, "Father, I have sinned….!  (Luke 15:18)

What made "the lost son" say that?  If the parable in Luke 15 were a secular story, it would probably end up with the tragedy of suicide or at least his dying sick and shabby somewhere in the pigsty. So what made him say those solemn words?

The parable is a gospel story, a miracle of grace, so the question should rather be, Who made him say that?  The answer is of course The Holy Spirit.  He was the One who drew him to the Father.

What made you come to the Lord?  Your willpower?  Your decision making?  If that "coming" of yours wrought the work of a new birth, a new life, a new nature through faith and trust in the Savior of your lost soul, it was because of a supernatural, divine urge or prompting.  "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him…"  (John 6:44).

I once said to the pastor of a rather big church, "I enjoyed your message very much, but why don´t you trust the Holy Spirit to apply  it to the hearts instead of heaving and struggling with the souls to raise up their hands and make a decision?"  He didn´t even listen to me.  He probably felt convinced that his method was the "successful" one, and his crew of helpers stood ready to pray with the seekers.

It is true that God draws souls through His servants.  That was my experience as a young boy.  The preacher´s anointed message caused a longing in my heart and eventually threw me in the arms of Jesus.  But it wasn´t the "salesmanship" of an eloquent appeal that did it.  Sometimes there´s too much of that in modern, restless and man-centered evangelism.

If you have a personal testimony of how the Good Shepherd found you, you may boldly say, in the power of His Spirit,  to the one you witness to, "He found me, and through my testimony He now wants to find you, too!"  You are just His channel, but He is the One that does the drawing.

April 2, 2011, - jn.