The Personal Relationship to God´s Word Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 28. marts 2011 07:38



I feel ashamed whenever I happen to disturb a friend with my phone call in the morning just in the middle of  his or her "quiet time", i.e. the time set aside for Bible reading and prayer.  Of course I do it inadvertently, and I hasten to apologize and suggest a later phone call.  There are, praise God,  still Christians who can´t start the day without the Bible and prayer, but many don´t seem to take time for that.

"Take your time" were the words several years ago on a sign designed as a beautiful heart and placed all at our busy roads.  Sometimes it said, "Take time for God".  And the cars were rushing by.

I thank God for those men of God I met in my early youth who influenced my life about a personal relationship to the Bible.  The influence was so great that I honestly didn´t feel a particular need to go to some fancy Bible school.  But I´m not unfamiliar with Bible schools, and I have found that their study program is so tight that there´s little time for personal stillness before God and His word.

I never forget a Scottish, but Danish speaking preacher who always replied when asked about his theological education, "I attended the "Mary University". – Some thought it was a very special university since this preacher was extraordinarily well equipped, spiritually, but he referred to Luke 10:39 about Mary sitting at Jesus´ feet and heard His word.



Such brethren are worth their weight in gold.  They never tried to palm off a certain "experience" or theological system on me, but encouraged me to do what the Jews in Berea did.  "They searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so."  Acts 17:11

The Bible is never meant to be a curriculum or an "assignment" to be "covered" in such and such a time.  There are times when a child of God pauses before a certain word or passage and reads it over and over again, maybe for several days, without worrying if a certain number of chapters are perused within such and such hours.  I believe in reading the Bible that way.  We´re not called to be "Bible machines".


March 28, 2011.

March 28, 2011.