"Happy Birthday, Lord Jesus!" Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 21. december 2010 14:39

Sunday morning in "my" little Baptist church in Bullard Ave, Clovis, California, the children on the platform were singing "Happy birth to you….happy birth, Lord Jesus", - o, how it thrilled my heart.  I´ve never heard that birthday song sung that way and so warmly.

At a Christmas Eve in a Lutheran church in Denmark the pastor suggested, "Let us now wish our Savior and Lord a Merry Christmas!"  He was not trying to be funny.  It came from his heart and it went to the hearts of his audience.

Some snarl at Christmas and tell me it´s a heathen blow-out observed by my gluttonous Viking forefathers in December. That´s probable true, but what´s wrong with the idea of letting Christ take the supreme and joyful place of our Viking idols?

All the Scandinavian flags have a cross.  Just another symbol, some are sulking.  But isn´t it wonderful to tell people what that cross is about? "Jesus" a boy shouted spontaneously when in an American public school I told the kids about the Danish flag and what it stood for.  That shout was like music to me.

Yes, let the music and joy of these exciting days be JESUS!

One of our highly esteemed hymn writers was Adolph Brorson  (1694-1764) who wrote Hans Hans Adolph Brorson (1694-1764) wrote wonderful Christmas hymns.  He once showed a rough draft to one German pastor friend who also spoke Danish. (I sometimes wish I had that privilege!)  After having read it, he exclaimed, "I never knew the Danish language could be so beautiful!"

Let your spoken language be seasoned with not only Christmas stuff, but with Christ as the sweetest topic on your lips.  And your language will be as beautiful as ever!


Dec. 20, 2010