Why I´m Tied up with the Jewish People Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 17. august 2010 01:42


It fell to my lot, by the sovereign will of God, to be emotionally, intellectually and above all spiritually attached to or, if you will, tied up with the Jewish people.  I believe it started when I was just a child and saw the tears in my Dad´s eyes when we together saw a movie about Hitler´s concentration camps and their gas chambers.

When The Good Shepherd found me in my early teens, the ties to the Jews became even stronger and, praise God, still more promising thanks to my increasing knowledge of the Bible the pivotal point of which is the Jew above all Jews, the anointed Christ, the eternal Son of God, equal with the Father and part of the Holy Trinity.  It was once my privilege to give my personal testimony as a young man in a Jewish synagogue in Pennsylvania, in Williamsport, where I pointed to “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”  (John 1:29) He being the fulfillment of all the many previous lambs sacrificed in the Old Testament for the sin of the people.  That I told the synagogue.

To a precious Jewish friend of mine, a retired minister of our government, I said two days ago in his beautiful home in Copenhagen, “My statement of faith is purely Jewish” and I boldly but also tactfully read two verses from Isa. 53:5-6 for him, and now our conversation was suddenly not about politics and his exciting experiences as a prominent politician but about his need for a Savior.  “Jesus died for my sins”, he repeated.  “I go along with that, but I can´t accept that He is the only way to God.”  I said to him, “I will pray that this sentence (“Jesus died for my sins”) will burn itself into your soul”, and this is my prayer, indeed.

I´m just doing what the Jews will be doing some day themselves in a glorious way when they have been united with their Messiah, “They shall (in a future day) declare My glory among the Gentiles!”  (Isa. 66:19).  Unfortunately the declaration of the gospel is by and large confined to protected church buildings, even if God didn´t intend it to be that “exclusive” or select, for what Jesus did “was not done in a corner” (Acts 26:26).

Let that be our plea, brethren, as passionate, bold followers of the Lamb!


August 4, 2010