Quo Vadis Europe? Where are You Going? Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 26. juni 2010 06:29

At the same time as the tribunal of Human Rights in Haag (Holland) is going to judge whether our flag (and other European flags) with the cross as its Christian symbol is legal in Europe, the same tribunal urges Switzerland to cancel its prohibition against minarets which will not happen (at least now) though as its people  already voted against that aggressive expression of Islam.  After all the Swiss flag also has a cross.

We know what´s coming.  The gospel which came to Europe in the year 52 through Paul and Silas (Acts 16) has to give way to paganism and Islam.  Unfortunately the U.S. president has also in no uncertain terms praised the virtues of the Moslem religion much to the grief of my fellow believers in America. What´s happening in Europe?  And in America?  (which in many respects is just ”Europe away from home”)

Bible believing Christians know.  Our anti-Christian European union is preparing the stage for the kingdom of Antichrist carried away (without knowing it itself) by the wrath of Satan which is great ”because he knoweth that he hath but a short time”  (Rev. 12:12).   That shouldn´t intimidate you and me if we´ve been saved by and committed to the gospel of Christ.  The apostle Paul in his time was under a ”union” too, the Roman Empire, but it didn´t stop him.  It shouldn´t stop us either.  The gospel is God´s ultimatum to a lost generation, but it´s also our precious and happy charter.


June 26, 2010