The University of Mary Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 24. maj 2010 11:04

Four good Christians in the Lord´s work met and discussed spiritual matters.  Three of them mentioned the names of the fine theological seminaries from which they have graduated.  They kind of savored their words as they described their well grounded theological positions.  The fourth Christian brother was somewhat older and was strangely silent.

One of the bright theologians said to him,  “Why don´t you talk?  From which school have you graduated?”  His reply was, “I haven´t graduated yet, I´m still attending The University of Mary!”  His friends had never heard of that particular Bible seminary so they asked him to tell them about it.

“Well, it´s the same old university that Mary attended of which we read, “Mary…sat at the Lord´s feet and listened to His teaching.”  (Luke 10:39).  The older friend continued, “This is where I´m sitting, too, day by day, drinking in fresh teaching from our Lord who by His Spirit enlightens the eyes of my heart that I may “see wondrous things” (Psa. 119:18) from His word.  And what He shows me at His feet, I like to share with others.”

One of the men asked him, “What Bible translation do you prefer?”  He said, “My mother´s translation I´ve found to be the best!”  -  “What!  Has your mother translated the Bible?  We didn´t know that!” -  But he said, “My mother didn´t know Hebrew nor Greek, but through her life she put into practice the Bible for me, so personally I know of no better “translation”!

Isn´t that the kind of school the Lord is most pleased with amidst the vast number of knowledge orientated Bible schools available and advertized on all kinds of richly colored home pages?

I once spoke to the students at an international Bible school near Paris at a breakfast meeting.  My topic was “the University of Mary”.  It happened to be during their tense examination period.  It was so fascinating, I must admit, to hear my message being translated into the beautiful French language, and the dear young people were tender and receptive.  They realized that no matter how excellent their papers were going to be, we never graduate from the feet of the Lord till His patient, good work in us has been completed at “the day of Jesus Christ”  (Phil. 1:6).

Praise Him for that patience with us.  And praise Him for that “school” at His feet!
“Yes, He loves the people;  All His saints are in Your hand;  They sit down at Your feet;  Everyone receives Your words.”  Deut. 33:3.


May 22, 2010