Invaded by Danish Termites Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 15. marts 2010 08:03

A very good friend of mine in the U.S. jacked me up when he writes to me:

”Denmark is well known for it's sex affiliated exports. Copenhagen is known for it's prostitution and the US imports more pornographic videos from Denmark than from any other country although Britain and Sweden are close runner ups.”

I didn´t know that.  So I recognize my naivety when I contend that USA as such don´t import perverted sex from Denmark, though some sick people do.  The great American nation has something much more beautiful to offer.

But according to the information submitted to me I face the fact that insane sex has become a successful Danish export commodity, and like fierce, demonic termites our immoral products are devouring and putrefying  the American moral backbone.  Are we really doing this to America?  Shame on Denmark!

However, by the grace of God, I wish to face America and my own country with the forgotten ideals the source of which is the saving gospel of Christ.  The Founding Fathers had this vision and so had our legislators way back in our history.

In 1943 a celebrated left-wing Danish journalist Kate Fleron wrote the book “We Are the Youth” which was really a collection of interviews with Danish youth and its immoral life.  The book was a drain of dirt.  A Lutheran minister opposed with holy indignation  that book and  published as an answer to Kate Fleron his book titled “We Are also the Youth” in which he collected a lot of interviews with healthy Christian youth that went against the sinful tide.

Indeed, our Christian youth may boldly say, We are also the youth!  We are also America!  We are also Denmark!  We defy the maelstrom from hell.  We don´t believe, of course, that neither America nor Denmark will be converted and become Christian states.  Our countries are with the rest of the world “in the power of the evil one”  (1 John 5:19).  We will always be but a minority, but I like what a man of God once said:  “With God we are always in majority!”

I´m told that prayers groups have emerged where heartfelt cries are made to Heaven for my country and its spiritual crisis.  This is, I believe, well pleasing to God.  May such a prayer revival spread.  Something happens for the eternity in that realm.  O, may this be a challenge to you and me too.

”Lord, revive your work!”  Hab. 3:2


March 15, 20