A Summit Meeting Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 15. februar 2010 17:00

”How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”  (Rom. 10:15).

Calling on an old age home is not fun.  But fun and more fun and still more fun is the demand of many.  That´s why we have TV full of fun.  That´s why we have a game called church.  Going there should preferably be fun – by and large.  -  One of our employees, I remember, quitted her job, because it wasn´t fun, she said me.  Some rather call it “work done con amore”, in practice meaning the same thing.

No, a visit to an old age home is not fun.  It´s very sad to see all those old people gazing with empty eyes while the TV is running non-stop. But  believe it or not, such a visit may still be enriching.  My bold contention is that as an ambassador of Christ your feet, too, are beautiful! (Comp. Rom. 10:15)  Your very presence there is, by the grace of God, like a breath of fresh air!  O, let this be both a challenge and an encouragement to you!

My time together with an old widow would typically start with my cheerful suggestion:  ”Now, let´s have another summit meeting!”  That makes her smile.  She knows what I mean.  The day before yesterday she said, ”Are we going to have a summit meeting today?” Yes, by all means.  I said to her, ”You wouldn´t want to exchange your simple room, filled with the Lord´s presence, for the banqueting hall of the Queen´s palace! “  (see the picture above).  She laughed and wholeheartedly agreed.  Her old age home became suddenly her banqueting hall with the Lord.

One day a couple of old Christian women came along too. I tried to get on friendly terms with them also.  I said to them, “Let me tell you how stupid I was at the age of abt. 12.  I wondered what was going to happen with me if I died?  Then I thought of my good grandfather.  I knew he was on extremely friendly terms with God.  So I thought, maybe God will let me in because of him!  Now, don´t you think that was stupid thinking?”

Oh no, very good thinking for a young boy, one of them said.  I voiced my protest and told them how I one day came to realize that the faith of my grandfather wasn´t enough, and I tried without success to go on with that train of thought.  The spiritual connection didn´t seem to be there though.

In that same old age home I also got acquainted with a Brazilian woman.  Exciting, indeed.  I tried with a few Portuguese words and soon discovered how much I´d forgotten.  I could sing a simple chorus and also quote  Joh. 3:16.  I promised her to speak more Portuguese with her next time.

Did I say that an old age home isn´t fun?  No, it´s not.  In fact I don´t like it.  But your visit may nevertheless give your heart a return of joy.  We should shun the worldly lust of fun and instead “serve the Lord with gladness!”  (Psa. 100:2).  My old friend, John Coder from Williamsport, Pa., in his young days a successful business man, is now at the age of 82 on the payroll of an old age home.  He works there more hours than they pay him for.  His motive is this simple and noble one:  to convey the presence of the Lord to needy souls.

Guess what!  Where do you think I feel the greatest challenge?  With the religious old women who thought that my religious thinking as a boy was great (but it was stupid, indeed) – or with that Brazilian woman at the same old age home to whom I may joyfully share Joh. 3:16.

I´m sure you had a good guess!


Febr. 14, 2010