All Those Blessed Hospitals! Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 30. oktober 2009 12:19

All Those Blessed Hospitals!

When I entered the general ward of my co-patients, I met a solemn, seriously looking gathering of profound faces, but I soon discovered that they were not.  They were in the midst of the process of transformation that makes you what you see, in other words empty if the object of your non-stop contemplation happens to be TV.

Were there any Christians there?  I don´t know.  But at that ”solemn” moment they were all cloned to be the same.  In my heart, however, I felt an unspeakable joy thinking of Billy Graham´s words:  “I never go to see important people – or anyone else – without the deep realization that I am – first and foremost – an ambassador of the King of kings and Lord of lords.  From the moment I enter the room, I am thinking about how I can get the conversation around to the Gospel…I rarely leave without attempting to explain the meaning of the Gospel unless God clearly indicates to me that it is not the right time for this person.  No one has ever rebuffed me or refused to listen to me…” 

From all my heart I thank God for that hospital (and other hospitals) treating me so kindly and having given me so many precious opportunities over the years to share The Good News of the Gospel  “Are you a minister? Someone asked me.  ”Yes, I am without being a professional minister.  I´ve always had my secular job but at the same had the desire to pass on what was once freely given to me as a lad!”  Billy Graham is right.  I can´t think of any who have refused to listen at least.

Some tell me that they pray for my recovery.  Well, pray rather that ”Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death…”  (Phil. 1:20).  I don´t say this to sound “spiritual”, but I probably convey only what all true followers of Christ long for, being indebted to a lost world with the gospel.


Oct. 30, 2009