The World Or Christ Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 10. august 2020 16:53

To the U.S. and to Europe the fatal election in November will be either Biden or Trump. It´s that simple.  The demagogic mudslinging will probably be enormous supported by powerful financiers.

To us, God´s people, it´s different. We are not of the world, - and have not withdrawn from it. Some of us are simple workers, others are leaders, but we all stick to the words of Jesus, “My kingdom is not of this world.”

We don´t pretend to make this world better, but our message as ambassadors of Christ is, “Be saved from this perverse generation!”  (Acts 2:40) , attending to the interests of our true home country (Phil. 3:20).

One of my Christian friends was mayor in his town in PA.  Some “big shots” in politics called on him.  “What do you want?” he asked them.   They wanted to make him a big shot too to make the world better with his strong influence.  “You are then smarter than God”, he said.

The soul winning apostle Paul and his co-workers didn´t man the loud political barricades, but admonished us instead to pray for “all in high positions” (1 Tim. 2:2) that govern our country.

Nevertheless, I get Christian e-mails that are very much taken up with politics, “Christian values”, finances, foreign-policy and the like.  Good things all right, and yet not approving what is vital (Phil. 1:10) in the light of His coming and His kingdom.  (2 Tim. 4:1).

“What will we get out of it?” Peter asked the Lord. Mt. 19:27.  Well, not much in this world, and so the Lord pointed to a glorious future with Him.  He still does. For the bright future is ours, not the world´s.

8/4/20 - jn