Celebrating Our Spiritual Independence Day Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 11. Juli 2020 06:51

A few days ago (July 4) the U.S. had their “Independence Day” celebrating how they became independent of British rule almost 250 years ago.  A great free nation emerged under the leadership by great men.  It all happened in the providence of God and it pleased Him to make the country a tool of propagating the gospel “to the regions beyond”, completely independent of old foreign powers!

We as God´s children have an “independence day” too to celebrate.  It became real once our eyes, by the grace of God, were opened to the freedom given us in Christ Jesus.  I see its glory in Romans 8.  In that wonderful epistle the gospel is unfolded in all its fullness to enslaved sinners as well as enslaved Christians.

O, my soul, rejoice and leap for joy realizing that the free law of gravity is in Christ only, or as Rom. 8:2 proclaims it, “for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.  The emphasis, mind you, is not on the work og workings of the Spirit but on the finished work of Christ in whom there´s no condemnation.  Let that be your joyful emphasis too independent of all legal struggle.

There are, sad to say, some confessing Christians that are subtly and emotionally taken up with the charisma of the Spirit which leads to a dead end however.  The Spirit is taken up with Christ and will glorify Him to our hearts.  That´s really the way out of bondage.  I learned as a young man to pray when I was despaired because of my inward sin, “Make Christ great to me again!”  That kind of prayer God is pleased to answer. So in Christ and in Him only we have our never ceasing “independence day” which we celebrate with lips of praise (Hebr.  13:15).

I´m now chained to a frail old body with all that goes with it but free in Christ no matter what kind of “jail” I´m in. “But the word of God is not bound!”  (2 Tim. 2:11).  And “this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you” (1 Pet. 1:25). Lift up that gospel of your freedom.

Congratulate, friend, with your shiny day of true independence!

7/9/20 - jn