The Old Forgotten Battle Cry Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 20. juni 2020 11:49

A young woman in the States, an active church member, has recently renounced her Christian confession. I was not surprised, and the more I´m faced with the shallow church games, the more I understand the gravity of John 2:23-25 how “many believed” without really believing.

The Lord didn´t trust them, for He knew “what was in man” beyond their shallow confession hidden by a pious façade. He saw that nothing had really happened.  The Easter awakening in Jerusalem was “fake news”.

“Fake news” has many disguises, and we hardly see them.  Who are friends and who are enemies?  The church set-up is often hiding its hostility while still cheerfully “worshipping” on a booming platform.

Some are honest about their untenable situation like that woman.  I hope this is so, for honesty of heart often responds to the truth of God.

“You are a lonely wolf”, a preacher friend once said to me in the U.S. “you don´t belong to this country.”  Why?  Coming from a religious lineage, by the grace of God I realized the “must” of a new birth as religious motions were not enough.  “You must be born again!” then became my battle cry.

This became one of the most frequent sermon texts in Billy Graham´s ministry.  When he had his first meeting in Copenhagen in 1957, many on their way home wondered what that young preacher meant when stressing the words of Jesus, “You must be born again!”  Less will not do.

I´m not sure now if the Corona epidemic is a spiritual wake-up call, but the deceived church needs to hear again the must of a new birth through repentance and trust in Jesus as the lost soul´s only Savior.

I mentioned John 2:23-25.  The subsequent chapter is a different story about a lonely individual who was serious and came by night to be saved.  There are still such lonely souls among us, and we want to lead them to Jesus as did Andrew with his brother Peter in John 1:42.

May 16, 2020