A Word Of Comfort About The Little Ones Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 19. juni 2020 11:04

I like to say a word about the children in the light of God´s word. My closest friend in Norway lost a leukaemia-stricken baby boy many years ago whom he expected the Lord to heal.  But He didn´t.

A man of God, a Scottish preacher with a ministry in Denmark and Norway, wrote him, “You are of course seeking comfort in the word of God” and one of the bible verses he took him to was the well known words about the little children of whom Jesus said, “…of such is the kingdom of Heaven”  (e.g. Mt. 19:14)

This is the exact translation from Greek, and the Scottish brother emphasized the words “of such” and pointed out their blessed status in God´s eternal kingdom – or  what constitutes His kingdom.  His kingdom is a kingdom of children, we know, of little children not the least.

I came to love the words “of such”, so I couldn´t appreciate the answer an American conference speaker gave at a summer rally some years ago in Denmark to a young woman who wanted to know what happens to a baby who dies?  His answer was, “It all depends on whether the baby was among the elect or not!”  I of course opposed that unbiblical answer.

We know what happens to the little ones.  David the man after God´s heart (despite all his many stumblings, Jam. 3:2), said these precious words about his dead baby, “ I shall go to him,  but he will not return to me.”  In other words, David would one day go where the baby is now, i.e. in God´s  presence where they´ll eventually meet.

The Lord spoke thus of the little ones, “Their angels always see the face of my Father” (Mt. 18:10) and no little one´s angel will ever say, “I lost the baby that was entrusted me!”  For the kingdom of Heaven is “of such”!

I just reminded a dear grandmother in CA about that.  She lost a precious little grandchild some years ago at a brutal slaughter together with her missionary son and daughter-in-law. I wrote her, “The angel of that baby had probably welcomed him with a smile saying “Welcome home!”

June 10, 2020 - jn