”Speak well of Christ!” Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 11. oktober 2009 15:26

”And Jonathan spoke well of David.”  1 Sam. 19:4

When I this morning pondered on those words about Jonathan´s relationship with David (in many wonderful ways a type of Christ!), I recall what a dear preacher friend of mine, Abe Hartsema from Michigan, once said to me in my early youth in the States:  “Speak well of Christ!”  That piece of advice has followed me over the years.

When I at one time came miserably under the bondage of legalism, another preacher friend saw me and deplored, “You have changed, Jørn, I remember when you were always exalting Christ, now it´s so sadly different.”  He was right.  Legalism had made me self-centered instead of Christ centered.  But praise God, He was patient with me and soon led me afresh into the unspeakable freedom of the gospel.

Let me testify of this glorious secret:  When you have a big Christ you invariably get a big heart for others.   When I during the last month could tell the Americans , “I love you dear people over here”, it was not me, but Christ in me who expressed that love.  I bet this is your experience also if you really know Him.  “The love of God has been poured within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”  (Rom. 5:5)

Many religious people lift up their church and church things and what they do as church goers.  But that leads you to nowhere.  Lift up Christ! -  that leads you to everywhere, - by land, at sea and in the air!

