Hope for a World Falling Apart Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 05. april 2019 03:33

EU is falling apart,  U.K. with her "Brexit" mess is bewildered too.  America chose a lewd president who woos the friendship of Christians, but has not repented of his sins, so that awesome nation over there with a tarnished leadership  is morally - and otherwise - losing ground.  The Christians are by and large playing a game called "church" organized in many weeds-bundles for a little while, till the end comes and the Lord will gather His own ("the wheat") together to Himself.  Mt. 13:30

I find myself close to people from the far East, including young people and beautiful girls with their romantic dreams hoping to get  in the West what they didn´t find in the East.  These are what the Bible calls "the common people" that lack fulfillment and satisfaction.  My heart goes out to those precious people of whom many want to be Christians and pliable church goers, and yet they find themselves deep inside disillusioned.  The motions of various noisy church programs don´t meet their true need.

The Lord I´m referring is the Son of God sent from Heaven more than 2,000 years ago to do for us what nobody else can do, coming to us, all of us, with the true remedy for time and eternity which the Bible calls salvation.  "You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."  (Mt. 1:21).  He made that possible by dying for our sins on that tree on Calvary.  I used to know that story as a boy, but I didn´t care till one day I understood I was a lost, helpless sinner completely at the mercy of that crucified and risen Savior who lives and saves today.

Today it´s a joy to point to that unique Savior knowing that what He did for me, He will do for you if you´ll let Him for "He died for all" 2 Cor. 5:14.

So I don´t feel led or directed to an isolated life in a monastery or the like, nor do I want to just play churchgoer as a religious parrot.  The gospel of Christ is for the world, right where needy souls happen to be.  Right where you are!

April 5, 2019 - jn