"This day is a day of good news!" (2 Kg. 7:9) Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 30. juni 2018 06:37

"God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform..."
we sing with William Cowper.  Indeed, this is the kind of God we serve.

The words in the heading were said by four lepers on a day of great misery in Israel  of which there seemed to be no hope.  In the providence of God, however, that very day became "a day of good news!"  You may read the touching details of the story yourself if your Bible is at hand!

Yes, this day of the gospel even in 2018 is a day of good news. "Behold, now is the favorable time, behold now is the day of salvation!" 2 Cor.  6:2.

"Oh, no", says the young girl who was let down by her lover.  "This is a day where I´m tempted to commit suicide!"  Her romance just perished.

Or think of the bad luck of the business man who one day lost his fortune because the market went against him. To him it was a day of bad news, and there are actually business men who commit suicide because of that.

A few years ago a Canadian school teacher told my wife and I her heart breaking story of how her Danish husband left her because of  another woman.  Here she was, coming all the way from Canada, was married to a Dane, and then suddenly be left alone.  I was a day of indescribable pain.

That dear woman, however, still had her "day of good news"  before she died at our local hospital cancer stricken.  It was such a privilege to sit at her bedside with the good gospel news.  One day I parted with her with the words, "See you in the morning!"  She knew what "morning" I was referring to, a "cloudless morning"  (2 Sam. 23:4) with Jesus Christ.

Despite her own personal misery she joyfully experienced her "day of good news" through the merits of Jesus Christ and His death for sinners.

Have you experienced such a "day"?  If so, do follow the example of the four lepers.  Don´t be silent about it!

June 30, 2018 - jn