The Purgatory Is Over! The Paradise Is at Hand! Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 18. november 2017 08:53

After 12 days of a reviving hospital stay these solemn points have burned themselves into my soul and my re-stabilized heart:

1.  "I do not count my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to  the gospel of grace of God!" Acts 20:24.

In other words:  I may still, for some unknown time,  "do the work of an evangelist!"  (2. Tim. 4:5).

2. The Lord has whisperingly assured me of that, but with days strictly measured (Sl. 90:12).

3.  During my turbulent stay the Spirit has, through the apostolic teaching,  warned me again the servants of Satan who proclaim "another Jesus - another Spirit and another gospel" (2 Cor. 11:4, Gal. 1:6) in a very subtle way to the church.  I´ve also been warned against those in legalistic, joyless bondage, who are not "in step with the truth of the gospel", Gal. 2:14.

4. I´m not supposed to waste my time with those "blind guides". Mt. 15:14

I´m grateful to the Lord for precious co-workers "diligent in business" with whom I´m in the gospel´s fellowship.  Phil. 1:5.  Do I know them?  Indeed, I do and they sometimes move me to tears.  And there´s nothing that gives our speech so much power as the simple gospel.  Say it simple, say it often - and let it burn!

"This is what I mean, brothers, the appointed time has grown very short" (1. Kor. 7:29).  My new super pacemaker (ICD) may be super, but we don´t have super much time left.  "The errand of the King is urgent!" 1.Sam.21:8.

Nov. 18, 2017 - jn