The King is Coming! Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 05. juni 2017 04:32

I once listened to a powerful eschatological message by Billy Graham  (he dwelt much on eschatology), and with passion he kept crying out,

The King is coming!

The world will one day see a leader emerging that will put things right, he said.  At first I thought he was referring to the coming Anti-Christ whom Europe and its "big brother", the U.S.A. are certainly waiting for.  We who have from our childhood learnt to go by the Bible and its prophetic blueprint we know more than the world leaders. Isn´t it awesome that with that blessed knowledge are included simple Bible believing carpenters, housewives, Sunday school boys or girls, etc.?

So hang rather around such godly people remembering that on the TV debates  you may put the heading, "Out of the wicked comes wickedness"  (2 Sam. 24:13).  In our rendering it says, "Out of the godless comes godlessness."  It strikes me again, that the overall aim of the godless media is to avert our thoughts from God!  Think about it.

However, Billy was not talking about Anti-Christ, but the real Christ, the King who is coming.  A Jewish rabbi said on TV that he rejects the idea of Jesus as Messiah as he didn´t fulfill the messianic hopes.  But the words, "He will be great... and the Lord God will give Him the Throne of His father David" (Luke 1:32)  and:  "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ..."  (Rev. 11:15), all these words and many similar words refuse to go away!  Praise God!

I was thinking of all that when in my today´s Bible study I read about the glowing tribute paid to David by Israel after he has been rejected and despised for such a long time.  Apply this to our Lord Jesus Christ.  The Kind is coming!  -  June 5, 2017 - jn