May an Old Man Have the Floor for a Brief Moment? Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 04. januar 2017 06:22

An Iraqi friend once said to me,  "In our country we say, when your heart is young, you are young!"  Having now turned 80 (on Jan. 2), I find his words meaningful and attribute them to the "young" grace of God.

King David who eventually had the experience of old age said these joyful words on behalf of all who are able to join him in his song of praise in Ps. 103, "Your youth is renewed like the eagle´s!"

Of course David, too, experienced the frailty of a worn-out body (1 Kg. 1:1), but it is also, PTL, true, that "though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day!"  (2 Cor. 4:16).

If that has become solid truth to your experience in your senior age, your inward youth will somehow appeal to the young people thirsting for "living water" though they wouldn´t say it with those words.

This coming Saturday we´ll rejoice together with a variety of friends, the kids not the least, at a friend´s house that holds better facilities than our  cottage.  A special treat will be the presence of Iranian and Tamil friends, where the language of love richly surpasses some linguistic difficulties.

A business leader, 3 years older than I, and still travelling in "the third world" to help Christian natives to start up on their own, said to me in a quiet conversation last Monday, "Sad to say, most elderly Christians have come to an apathetic standstill ..."   He didn´t mean bodily weaknesses, but the sad lack of spiritual alertness so common among us old timers.
Personally I know of just one healthy source of  revival, i.e. the word of God.  John Bunyan wrote in his Bible, "Either  will this Book keep you from sinning, or sinning will keep you from this Book!"  -  I´m often meditating on Ps. 119 which speaks about revival by the word of God.  Some of us have to say with Ps. 119:59, "I thought about my ways, and turned my feet to your testimonies", as our willful "ways" must be adjusted to the path of His word  thus preventing us from a "standstill" through Jesus Christ.

Jan. 4, 2017 - jn