What has Israel to do with us? Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 09. oktober 2009 11:39

In the Danish TV a Middle East Expert was asked a couple of days ago, “What has Israel really to do with us?  After all we´re talking about a small, insignificant country smaller than Denmark. Why or how is our world affected by the Middle East conflict?”

The Middle East expert referred to the fact that the Jews have, so to speak, put their fingerprint on a lot of things that affect us, in science, art, literature, business, philosophy and a unique employment of talents.  The Jews are everywhere.  Their lobby is strong in the US and also represented in The White House.  So what happens in the Middle East, happens to us also.  We can´t run away from the Jewish people.  Unfortunately the present drama in Gaza has added fuel to the flames of anti-Semitism in Europe, while Washington still stands up for Israel.  Pro or con,  we must decide our attitude to the Jewish people.

Israel has friends in this part of the world also. Praise God!  God´s people everywhere love the Jewish people for one reason:  The Bible.  No other book in the world deals with the history of a chosen people in the past, present and future.  Denmark has a national history about our past but nothing about our future.  The Bible is the Jewish national history of what has happened, what is happening and what will happen according to God´s blueprint.  I encourage you to get acquainted with that unique history as it has to do with us.  Dwell on say Zech. 12, 13 and 14, and you´ll soon be worshipping a great, reigning God.

An urgent question these days would be, How close is Israel to the fulfillment of the old prophecies concerning the grave “time of Jacob´s trouble” and its subsequent salvation (Jer. 30:7)?  Are we approaching a crucial moment when Israel will soon be left in the lurch by the whole world, including America, and be crushed by invading evil forces as foretold in Zech. 13:8-9, 14:2 , before their deep grief will lead to a pouring forth of “the spirit of grace and of supplications” that will make them “look upon Me whom they have pierced”  (Zech. 12:10).  It is certainly  in the plan of the God of covenant and open for our diligent study.

What has all that to do with us?  The answer is simple:  The world is coming to its end, being on its last legs.  Europe is waiting for its new leader (Anti-Christ).  Satan is soon going to make his last move before the Prince of Peace takes over.  It solemnly reminds us that God´s last ultimatum to a lost world remains the same:  The gospel of Jesus Christ!  May it grip us anew these very crucial days before we for ever say good bye to this old world!
