Revival in Our Homes Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 04. marts 2015 03:57

I was looking for an old revival song, sung up in Norway in my youth, and dear friends found what I was looking for.  That particular song has 4 verses, but only three are now being sung.  The one verse now omitted goes almost like this (in English rendering),

There were no beautiful churches nor temples,
there were no rituals, but the homes were thronged,
indeed, everything was so very simple,
and the power of God was revealed!

The reason for omitting that verse could be the fear of offending “the beautiful churches” with their rituals, though the need for revival is acknowledged, but preferably to happen within the established structure.

This we have, in the providence of God, seen in Denmark and Norway within the Lutheran framework despite its erroneous teaching on spiritual rebirth in infant baptism.  Martin Luther was not the only “Lutheran” minister whom God in His sovereignty used for gospel awakenings.

And yet, at this grievous moment we should be exercised about our homes for the simple reason that they lie fallow.  “Christian things” are confined to a building.  But it didn´t use to be that way in old times revival.  I speak from experience from the days of my youth, and I´m among those who pant for another “rushing mighty wind” of revival.

And so our home fellowship is not an intellectual study group, but a helpless body of needy souls longing for gospel revival.  One young man in our fellowship uttered his wish to be saved.  O, may the living water be there among us so that his thirst may be quenched in Jesus Christ alone.

For this I covet your prayers to the end that with holy gravity we may realize that “respectable” religiosity is not enough.  There is no alternative to a born again life through the saving gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of His Spirit.  This is really our need more than anything.

March 4, 2015 - jn