“… That I May be Saved!” Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 14. december 2014 08:45

Our modest home was yesterday the Christmas singing setting of family and friends.  Our Tamil friends were there, i.e. 6 adults plus one baby (1½ years), my younger cousin and his wife (for the very first time), plus my sister and some other Danish friends. There´s nothing spectacular about all this.  I´m sure you do something similar in your good homes - or even mansions.

Yet a surprise was waiting. When we parted, one of the Tamil friends, in fact the husband of one of the Tamil girls, recently arrived from Sri Lanka – his name is Gopi -, said when asked about his New Year´s wish, “… that I may be saved!”  He doesn´t speak Danish, though moderately a few English fragments, so his wish was translated into Danish.  I had it repeated to make sure I understood it, but that´s what he said.

Then Alan, the brother of Marin, my “ad hoc” secretary, gave his testimony in their native tongue, and I rejoiced.  He encouraged me to  follow-up on Gopi, now unemployed with a lot of time, so may the Lord give wisdom and holy ingenuity on the communication side.  I do covet your prayers.

For we do long for the most crucial question ever asked, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30),  - a rare one nowadays, isn´t  it?

That solemn conclusion of our fellowship threw into relief the urgency of our calling. “What is your business?” ( Jon. 1:8, NEB translation). We shouldn´t be evasive about it. As Billy Graham put it, “I never go to see people without having the deep realization that I am the ambassador of the King of kings and the Lord of lords…I´m thinking about how I can get the conversation around the gospel…”  That was pressed upon me anew.

Dec. 14, 2014 - jn