The Challenge of the Hour Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 09. oktober 2009 08:49

The Challenge of the Hour

A dear British brother laboring in Norway submits this prayer request,  that God would raise up bible expositors in Norway.

I humbly take that request to my heart as a challenge for they are so true.  I sometimes quote Billy Graham when at his very first meeting in Norway (1955), he said, “We´re not here to entertain you, but to open the Bible for you!”  That was probably the best gospel meeting he ever had in our beloved sister nation.

Having said that I can´t help thinking what also seems to be the case when speaking of America. Over there they probably have the best Bible expositors in the world.  I don´t think I´m exaggerating.  Thousands and thousands of preachers deliver every Sunday a well prepared expository sermon, and I often thought, My goodness, our preachers in Europe can´t compete with a sermon quality like that – and yet at the same time I felt something was missing. 

It´s hard to explain, but it has to do with that sensitive thing which we call unction or the anointing of God´s Spirit bringing the presence of the Lord close to the heart and consciences.  I say that cautiously and hopefully not with cold blood, and yet I think it´s correct to say that you have a lot of good expositions over there but also a good lack of spiritual reality amidst the eloquence of celebrated preachers and stagey “worship”.

So what is the real need of the hour?  God! That doesn´t mean that I belittle the teaching part which is still important, especially in this part of the world where the loud-shouting “Jesus charisma” drowns down sound doctrine. What kind of “Jesus” are they shouting about anyway? 

Our agenda should, by God´s grace, follow old Billy´s good point, - i.e. not to entertain, but to open the Bible and preach Christ as our powerful theme in all simplicity.  In America they would say the word “church” every time I say Christ.  You often meet the same religious monotony here. Sitting face to face with a neighbour, pointing quietly to the Lord Jesus Christ as the needy heart´s only satisfaction and not to a religion or a church, is really what matters, regardless whether you are in Europe or in the USA

This is the real challenge of the hour for you and me at grass-roots level, which is the Lord´s level.
