A Prayer and Praise Letter Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 21. april 2014 06:35

Easter Lord´s Day, didn´t offer me a big, conspicuous platform, and yet we had in a Catholic home a blessed time of Bible fellowship under the tutorial aid of the faithful Holy Spirit who,  as so often before, gave light and “understanding to the simple” (Ps. 119:130).

On Catholic Grounds
.  Our Tamil family is still part of the Roman Catholic Church in which they grew up in Sri Lanka.  At the same time they very much want me to open the Bible with them to get answers they don´t get in their church (to put it with their own words).  I´m before the Lord about it.

My “ad hoc” secretary.  At our Bible fellowship yesterday my wife and I felt that one of the beautiful girls, by the way my “ad hoc” secretary, backed up the teaching so whole-heartedly.  Especially when I emphasized a point from Rev. 7:14 about being washed white “in the blood of the Lamb”.  My ministry will always revolve around that kind of a gospel, I said.  I registered a quiet “Amen” on her part.  I felt encouraged.

Answers to our prayers.  The reason why our Tamil friends are very strong on putting concrete, practical petitions before the Throne of Grace is the simple fact that several prayers have been graciously answered in terms of God´s undertaking in school, in job applications, in complicated delivery matters (one young man and his wife have a lovely 10 months old baby girl, the birth of whom had certain problems), matters about so called family reunion (now in procedure), etc.

Pray for growth.  We had a wonderful rally in our home on April 5, more than 20 came along of whom there were at least 5-6 precious young people, not born again.  A visiting American brother (who is also a travelling salesman) presented the gospel with power “at eye level”, so I covet your prayers for spiritual awakening and revival. 

The newspaper media. I don´t know why but the Lord has currently given me an open door to our local newspaper columns with a gospel testimony.  I see this as God´s unmerited grace.  I gave to the chief editor my book “Day Break Thoughts” to express my appreciation of a good co-operation between us over the years.  He responded very graciously.

It´s possible however to put on paper and in a “prayer letter” a lot of beautiful “window dressing”, but the reality is different.  So pray for me that I may not only preach the gospel but live a gospel life of which there may not be much left. 

“… lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.”  (1 Cor. 9:27).
April 21, 2014 – jn