Among Modern Pagans Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 27. juni 2012 03:51

I meet people on my way who want to have nothing to do with God, and yet they would say, “I do pray the Lord´s Prayer before I go to bed!”  In other words, a little religion on their lips, but no repentance, no change of mind towards God, no sorrow for their sins.

I just talked to one of our former neighbors, a kind lady, a formal Catholic.  “I belong to the Catholic church, and so did my Mom and her Mom, but I never go to church.  In fact, I don´t believe in any hereafter, and we never talk religion at home!”  I said to her, “So you don´t believe in anything despite your church membership!” -  “Well, I wouldn´t put it that way.  I do believe, but…”  I told her she was no different from my Protestant countrymen, 80% of which belong to our state sponsored “Evangelical Lutheran Church” but don´t care. 

We met at the local, big mall crowded with a lot of other modern pagans.  I tried to give her God´s word and explained what the gospel is about, what Joh. 3:16 says and gave her my little gospel card and my new “silver coin” (brought home from CA) with Joh.3:16 and the pinpointing question, “Where do you want to spend the eternity?” (In Danish).

Despite the daily encounter with pagan darkness among frivolous Danes (“the happiest people in the world”!), and despite my own insufficiency (“Who is sufficient for these things?”  2 Cor. 3:16) I do want to follow the noble example of the American evangelist Dwight L. Moody, who after his conversion determined to speak to at least one person every day about Jesus.  But Moody is not here, but I am, and you are, – but like you, my brother and sister, only for a very, very short time.

It is my experience – from my many visits to the U.S. not the least – that man to man witnessing is sadly neglected.  In America I hear the word “church” every time I say “Christ”.  In Denmark they may say, “What sect are you coming from once I mention the name of the Lord.”  But no matter what.  Let us encourage one another to talk about Jesus, not about religion,  church, Christianity nor about this and that nice pastor!  A chorus from my early youth often echoes in my heart:

Let´s talk about Jesus,
The King of kings is He,
The Lord of lords supreme
Through all eternity,
The great “I am the way,
The life, the truth, the door,
Let´s talk about Jesus
More and more!

June 27, 2012 – jn