Witnessing – a Taboo Subject? Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 30. maj 2012 05:42

“We are not doing right.  This is the day of good news, but we are keeping silent….”  (2 Kings 7:9)

In my early youth at the New Tribes Mission´s training camp (in those days called “boot camp”) we had a certain evening (or maybe two or three evenings) set aside for witnessing, where we left the camp premises to establish contact with the local people about the need of coming to Christ  for salvation.

How well it worked, I´m not sure, at least we tried. Not all were soul winners.  One brother I remember as a passionate soul winner though.  His name was Roy, and the Lord used him for the salvation of sinners, usually in a most untraditional way.  He´s now with the Lord in glory, and I often miss him so much.  In our senior days we met again in the U.S. and what a blessing and inspiration. But Roy was not the only one.

I always thought, before ever putting my foot on American soil, that this is the country of soul winners. After all  the popular “know how” books on soul winning were all American, so I had a hidden inferiority complex on the subject towards American Christians.  Eventually I learned that they are not so different from Danish Christians.   The Christianity of the Christians is best inside their Christian church walls.

When I came to San Diego abt. 6 years ago I inquired of tracts and the like in the Spanish language to use when witnessing to the many Mexicans I met every morning as I walked out on my daily round.  I was surprised to find that in the church I went to they had very little to offer me.  I didn´t meet any soul winners from that huge church either who volunteered to go out with me, though I needed them so badly, as many of them could speak Spanish.  (I only knew a few Portuguese words).

I made the same lonely experience in Clovis (Fresno).  Where are the soul winners?  Inside the “safe” church walls my fellow Christians talk so well and eloquently,  and as a stranger with a heavy accent I often feel embarrassed and out of place.  But where is the zeal for lost souls?

In our home group there is an old man.  He´s now 86, and his theological knowledge is very limited. But he´s bold about witnessing.  His conversion to Christ more than 60 years ago is so real and “new” that he must tell others about it and also about the necessity of being converted.  He is very dear to my heart.

There´s another good brother too.  He has more biblical “light” is so profound.  He and his wife are blessed with many exciting parties and get-togethers, - with family and relatives. With unsaved friends too with whom they have participated in some educational course, etc.  I asked him, “Do you ever say a word about Jesus to those people?”  Never, he admitted.  “Why?” I asked him.  “Well,  if they touch the subject by themselves,  I may.”  I get puzzled and think of my 86 years old friend and his enthusiasm and simplicity.

I hope I´m not judgmental, for I remember how shy I was myself as a babe in Christ.  But I also believe that the Lord can make Himself so real to us that “we cannot stop speaking what we have seen and heard”  (Acts 4:20).  Or what do you think?  -  I loved the fellowship with God´s people from my early start, but at one meeting my situation became unbearable, and I stood up, trembling, and said to the saints, “Will you please pray for me?  I don´t have the boldness to witness!”

I don´t have to tell you that the Lord answered their prayers, and a dear preacher friend said to me, “Every time you confess Jesus to people, He confesses your name before the Father!”  He referred to Matth. 10:32, I remember.  Anyway, the Lord was pleased to help me, the timid one.  And He will help you too.  Not in a legalistic way, but in the spontaneous, happy liberty of the Holy Spirit!

May 30, 2012 – jn