The Obscure Ministgry Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 08. oktober 2009 15:49

In the eyes of God no ministry for Him is obscure of course.  In the eyes of men it´s different. 
We rejoice in the wonderful epistle to the Romans written by the great apostle.  But Phoebe who was the humble bearer of that epistle, we hear little about.  Nor do we hear about the hospitable home where the apostle stayed to write that blessed apologia on justification by faith.

Our Savior was in His earthly life served by some named women plus a lot of unnamed dear sisters “who provided for Him”  (Luke 8:3), maybe in terms of food, serving at the table, washing, cleaning, etc.
In Judg. 6:8 an anonymous prophet is sent by the Lord with a word of revival, but after that he was ”forgotten”.

C.H. Spurgeon, ”the prince of preachers” in England, has left his marks, but what about the man, who in that primitive Methodist chapel one Sunday morning in a snow storm on Jan. 6, 1850 stood up and read Is. 45:22:  “Look to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth!” which helped the 15 years old Spurgeon to assurance of salvation?  He is not so known, but still he was the instrument in Spurgeon´s life that was later reproduced in thousands of precious lives in the U.K.

We could go on and on, couldn´t we?  Are you a member on the body of Christ?  The Lord placed you there, anonymous or non-anonymous.  To the Lord it makes no difference measured by the standard of the eternity.
