An Aroma of Life Udskriv
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 31. oktober 2011 13:47

”When did you become a Christian?” I just asked a dear friend visiting us from abroad.  That he couldn´t say, since ”from childhood” (2 Tim.3:15) he became conscious  of the fact that the accomplished salvation in Jesus Christ was for him, -  just for him.

This great salvation has become greater and greater for him over the years, and as an international business man, always on the move, his   real calling is to spread the knowledge of Christ, not the least through printed publications in several languages.

His line of business is flowers (primarily from Holland), a business full of sweet fragrance, but to him the gospel has the real fragrance ”in every place” (2 Cor. 2:14).  So his very presence and the fellowship with him filled our modest home with that very fragrance.

A child of God doesn´t have to point to a certain hour for his/her conversion.  The self-experienced testimony without a certain conversion date or hour may be just as powerful, maybe even more so.  To our American friend the real drama happened at Calvary when Christ died for sinners of which he joyfully testifies “in every place”.

Your particular ”experiene” is not so important as being able to say with the apostle:  ”I know whom I have believed”  (not what I have believed), 2 Tim. 1:12, but many cannot say that. They would say, ”I hope…”.  That´s the kind of a vague language I so often listen to.

The good news of the gospel, however, makes it possible for you in this life, in your world, to have the assurance in your heart that ”neither death nor life…shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”  (Rom. 8:38-39).  This is the language of God given assurance.

The short visit of our friend from abroad (I called him ”our travelling Onesiphorus”, 2 Tim. 1:16) renewed my joy in that old, but always new and refreshing gospel.

Oct. 31, 2011 – jn